Emergency numbers

for psychological help


Samaritans provide confidential emotional support to people experiencing distress or despair, including those that could lead to self-harm. They are based in the UK and offer 24/7 service in English by phone or e-mail. 

Tel: +44 84 57 90 90 90 

E-mail: [email protected]


Befrienders is an international helpline network run by  Samaritans. It provides listening and support in over 20 languages worldwide. 


US and International Contacts

Health Department National Suicide Prevention 24/7 Hotline

Tel: +1-800-273-8255

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Help is available in many different languages.

Tel: +1-800-799-7233 

The Rape Crisis Center (US)

Tel: +1-702-366-1640 

International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services (IFOTES)

Brings together National Associations of Telephone Emergency Service offering emotional support, immediately accessible to any person suffering from loneliness, in a state of psychological crisis, or contemplating suicide. To find a contact in your country click on “country members.”


Czech Emergency Numbers

GENERAL EMERGENCY LINE – English and German – 112

112 is similar to the American 911 general emergency service, active in all EU countries, and can be traced with caller ID. If you have a medical emergency (including acute psychiatric condition or suicidal state) an ambulance will arrive to take you to the nearest appropriate medical facility. 

Dial 112 from any local or mobile phone inside Czech Republic.

Czech speaking direct emergency numbers

Can be dialed from any local or mobile phone in Czech Republic. Operators in general speak Czech.




FIRE 150

Medical centers for foreigners:

Canadian Medical Care 

General: 235-36-01-33

After Hours Emergency: 724-30-03-01

Prague hospitals:

RIAPS Crisis Center 

24 hour psychiatric emergency center address: Chelčického 39, P-3

24 hour crisis line: 222-580-697

BOHNICE Hospital 

A specialized psychiatric hospital in Prague with an emergency service and 24 hour outpatient crisis center. Telephone operators only speak Czech but some doctors speak English. 

General: 296-569-111

Crisis line: 284-016-666

MOTOL Hospital

24 hour emergency service with a reception for foreigners. Very good for emergencies, but they don’t specialize in psychiatry.

Address: Nemocnice Motol, V Uvalu, 84 P-5

Reception: 224-431-111

Hotline: 234-433-681

HOMOLKA Hospital 

Address: Nemocnice Na Homolce, Roentgenova 2, P-5

Reception: 257-272-146

Hotline: 257-272-144